Jness World

Jness World
Thank you Jness, for sharing this vision of the world. (This image belongs to Jness, Inc.)

Monday, December 2, 2013

An explanation of blood types

I am an advocate for science as a way of thinking and by extension, as a way of doing.

One thing I have always loved is making presentations that explain concepts through the lens of hard science. Here is something I pulled from my old records... do you know your bloodtype? And if you do, do you know what your bloodtype means?

Whatever you know, if you want further explanation, read on! And see if you can "complete the picture" on the second row of my cartoon.

Blood cells...

All the blood cells in your body are the same. Why? Because they are made in the bone marrow from stem cells carrying your DNA, which is of course, consistent in all of your cells.

Red blood cells have structures on their surface ("antigens") that we relate to the A, B or O designation. In actual fact, there are two varieties: an A antigen and a B antigen. When a person has red blood cells with A antigen, they are blood type A, when a person has red blood cells with B antigen, they are blood type B, and of course, if they have both A and B antigen they are... you get the idea, right? What if you have red blood cells with neither the A or B antigen? ...you're blood type O!

Another type of structure on the surface of some people's red blood cells is the Rhesus factor (Rh). The Rh factor relates to the positive or negative designation of your blood type. If you have the Rhesus factor, you have "+" red blood cells, if you lack the Rhesus factor, you have "-" red blood cells.

Would you like to know about blood transfusions and why certain people require specific types of blood for a successful transfusion? Comment and if there is interest, I will write it up.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Love hurts

I recently had the most profound experience of giving.

Have you ever freely given someone a gift where it was painful for you to give? If your pain is concealed from the other person, there is an amazingly FULL experience where you get to see their very innocent enjoyment of the gift they received and you have the internal knowledge of the pain it took for you to give it to them.

I have a new appreciation for the love my parents must have felt for me at times when they freely gave up their comfort in order for me to bask in an innocent enjoyment of a gift received.

Giving like this is an ultimate experience. Try it. The very best feeling - love - comes with the hurt of the giving.

And look for this act of giving. There are people all around us giving concealed gifts.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

That's NOT "just the way I am"...

There are times in life when someone says something that strikes you. Like, it really sticks and you walk around thinking and thinking and thinking about it.

I had one of those moments recently. On my team, there was a conversation going on about how we had failed. This is probably an experience that every team faces if they stay together long enough. But I have observed that what often happens when a team faces the "how did we fail?" conversation...

  1. People blame other people or circumstances: it's impossible, that's just the way I am/we are/things are
  2. People stop caring
  3. People quit
These responses all amount to the same thing, keeping the team exactly where it is with no forward progress or possibly damaging the team.

When my team was talking like this, one of our mentors asked us:

"Why are you fighting for your limitation?"

Just imagine if you actually won that fight and proved you were, in fact, limited and could go no further, there was nothing better, nothing more and no improvement to be had. 

Don't do it. Fight for your growth, your success and your joy. If you don't know how to do this - contact me and let's go!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Divorce Alternative: understanding and growing compassion

This is a public shout-out to anyone who has any interaction with the opposite sex EVER.

My title, referencing divorce, is an extreme example of a relationship that is stressed nearly to the breaking point, but many, if not all relationships experience unnecessary stress like this.

What is the cause?

Lack of understanding of self. Lack of understanding of the person in the oppositional position to you. This person is not your opponent, but it sure feels like it sometimes.

How do we get here? It has to do with society's antiquated notions or misunderstanding and misinterpretation of what's what. There is an unprecedented way to address this. There has never been a book like this, a course like this, or a therapist like this.

If you want to really come to understand, evolve and reconstruct your relationships, email me (leah.mottishaw[at] gmail.com) and I will share more with you. Also visit http://jnesstestimonials.com/

This program changed my marriage, transformed how I love my brother and allowed me to deeply appreciate my Dad. I love my women friends more and recognize the vital importance that my friends play in my life. I invite you to experience this too. If not now, when?